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Beyond The Classroom

Beyond the Classroom

Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School offers many opportunities to develop additional skills and talents through enrichment classes, and community service, field trips, musical productions, chapel services, and special events.


The Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School art curriculum is based on the elements and principles of design. Incorporating the elements and principles of design in the art program keeps art challenging. It also allows the students to grow as the procedures increase with age.
Art is provided for PreK3 through High School. PreK3 - Kdg attend class once a week for a 30 minute period. The first through sixth grade students all attend art once a week as well but their class time is increased to 45 minutes.  Seventh and eighth grade students can choose art as an elective. This is offered on a block schedule at the South Campus every other day for a class period of 85 minutes. High school students have the opportunity to take Art I,II,III and IV. This is offered on a block schedule as well every other day for 85 minutes.
Each grade level will create projects that incorporate elements to further student knowledge on each subject. Different media will be used throughout the year to incorporate artists with individual stylistic media. This gives the students the opportunity to find a medium with which they are comfortable. It also challenges students to work in areas outside of their comfort zones.
Examples of these mediums are:
- Drawing with marker, crayon, ebony, oil pastel, ink, pencil, charcoal and chalk
- Painting with tempera, acrylic, watercolor, papers, and oils
- Printmaking with string, glue line, silkscreen, metal plates, Styrofoam, and linoleum ( high school students have a printing press to future their progress)
- Sculpture with paper, wire, plaster, clay, paper-mache, packing tape and other common or found objects- use of a pottery wheel and kiln have been added for in depth study in Arts I-IV
- Art History and in-depth study of design are an integral part of Arts I-IV


Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School currently offers three band classes; fifth-sixth grade band, seventh-eighth grade band, and a high school band. Students may choose to join band in fifth or sixth grade to gain a foundation in musical performance and go on to more advanced pedagogy and instrumental pieces in the seventh and eighth grade.

The students have three major performances throughout the school year. These consist of a Christmas Concert, Mardi Gras Parade, and a Spring Concert. The students play a very diverse variety of music for all performances. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a brand new pep band for varsity basketball.

In the EDS band program the students not only learn how to play an instrument but they also learn responsibility, respect, humility, problem solving methodology and many other great character building traits. Students who are in band gain great insight into the workings of music and grow to have a greater appreciation for music.


Classroom Music Classes - an inclusive approach to music literacy

At Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School, music is an integral part of the overall curriculum. Beginning with Pre-Kindergarten three-year-olds and continuing through Kindergarten, music classes are taught once a week for thirty (30) minutes. In 1st - 3rd grades, music classes are extended to one, forty-five (45) minute class per week.

Classes are taught based on the music philosophy of Zoltan Kodaly. Students learn a wide variety of American Folk Songs and games. Music literacy begins through singing the folk-songs and playing games. Students learn tuneful singing, independent singing, keeping a steady beat, as well as readiness elements relating to changing tempo, dynamics, and tone. Socially, students learn cooperative play, build attention spans, follow directions, and take turns. Students develop gross motor skills through fun activities.

As the years progress, students learn to read and write music off staff and stick notation using solfa-syllables. Students learn to improvise melodies and rhythms based on known musical elements. Students learn an appreciation of music as a great art and about musical eras through listening activities designed to identify various elements in the music; rhythm, musical scale or ostinato, dynamics, etc.

Physical Education

Physical education at any level is conducive to growth and development and promotes an encouraging environment for play. Through playing with peers in a controlled environment, students learn to cooperate in a group setting respectfully and begin to develop a sense of self-awareness. The PreK and Kindergarten level program focuses on gross motor skills, coordination, stretching exercises and health habits. Included within this realm is the importance of social and communication skills. The students use a wide variety of equipment including balls, balloons, bean bags, parachutes, hula hoops, and much more. We focus on following instructions, creating a fun learning environment, and growing the student's ability to catch, throw, move through traffic, kick, dribble, etc.
At the Lower School level we also work on coordination and cardiorespiratory fitness. Seasonal sports are modified for this age group so students can participate in games such as basketball, soccer, track, bowling, kickball, volleyball, and football. Physical fitness testing starts at third grade and continues through eighth grade. The students perform four tests trying to meet or exceed national standardized scores. These are performed in the fall semester and then again in the spring semester to see their level of improvement.
The Middle School level is a more structured physical education class where we follow most seasonal sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, track, football, softball and golf. Grades in middle school come from participation and behavior. Students in sixth through eighth grades also run a timed mile at the beginning, middle and end of the school year. Students try to meet or exceed the national standardized scores and to see their level of improvement throughout the year.
Our High School students are able to participate in activities that are specific to their sport. They also learn about the overall health benefits of general fitness activities and engage in sports such as tennis, golf and badminton. Students are also able to take part in weight training specific to their seasonal sport or general fitness.
Adolescent health education is taught to 5th-12th grade students through a school/physician approved lesson, as appropriate for each age group.


Kindergarten - This is mostly an oral program at this level with conversation, coloring, and song to motivate students to enjoy the Spanish language. They learn to count from 1-20. They learn basic greetings and the various responses to the question ¿Cómo estás?. They identify colors, numbers, shapes, and holiday words (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). Students have Spanish once a week for 30 minutes.

First Grade - Oral communication and participation are highly encouraged. Through an inductive approach, students gain an intuitive understanding of how language is acquired and how it is spoken. The various methodologies employed take into consideration different learning styles and incorporate the Natural Approach and the Total Physical Response. They are able to answer questions for greetings, colors, numbers, animals, days of the week, months of the year, and holiday words (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). Students have Spanish once a week for 45 minutes.

Second Grade - Oral communication and participation are the most important aspects at this level. Through essentially an inductive approach, students gain an intuitive understanding of how language is acquired and how it is spoken. The various methodologies employed take into consideration different learning styles and incorporate the Natural Approach and Total Physical Response. They review vocabulary and continue learning about weather, feeling, age, hobbies, and Holiday words (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). At this level, they are able to understand the different question words in Spanish and respond appropriately. Students have Spanish once a week for 45 minutes.

Third Grade - Oral communication and participation are highly emphasized at this level. Through essentially an inductive approach, students gain an intuitive understanding of how language is acquired and how it is spoken. The various methodologies employed take into consideration different learning styles and incorporate the Natural Approach and Total Physical Response. They continue to build their vocabulary and advance to a new level. They are able to begin reading and understanding basic Spanish sentences. They learn about family, parts of the body, describing personal characteristics, how to ask and answer basic questions, and holiday words (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). Students have Spanish once a week for 45 minutes.

Fourth Grade - Oral communication and participation are the most important aspects at this level. They are able to ask and answer questions in the target language. They continue to build their vocabulary while learning about the Hispanic culture. They read and understand short paragraphs in Spanish.  Students learn new vocabulary but also identify cognates. They learn about holiday words (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.), holiday traditions of “Dia de los Muertos” and “la Nochevieja,” and thematic vocabulary in context. Students have Spanish once a week for 45 minutes.

Fifth Grade - Following a Comprehensible Input (CI) approach, students are introduced to the some of the SUPER 7 verbs to express the seven basic concepts needed to tell a story: location, existence, possession, identity, preference, motion, and desire. Students learn how to write the date, translate sentences and sentences and short paragraphs, and engage some of the SUPER 7 verbs in these activities. The emphasis is primarily devoted to reading, listening, and speaking rather than to grammar in order to promote an organic approach to second language acquisition, the same way they learned their first language. At this level, students create a safe classroom culture for themselves to build confidence as they develop their speaking skills. Students meet twice a week for 45 minutes.
Sixth Grade - Following a Comprehensible Input (CI) approach, students become increasingly exposed to high frequency structures in an environment where culture and language collide. Students at this level read their first Spanish novel and carry out basic discussions based on comprehensible information given to them. Priority is given to strengthening verbal, reading, and listening language skills, all while working towards writing. All of the SUPER 7 verbs are explored and utilized for communication in a basic, yet thorough, program. Duolingo is also used to reinforce what the students learn in class. Students meet twice a week for 45 minutes.    


In a rapidly growing technical society, it is very important that students become proficient in the various forms of technology and media that they may come in contact with. Simply being able to use technology is no longer enough. Today's students need to be able to use technology to analyze, learn and explore. Digital age skills are vital for preparing students to work, live and contribute to the social and civic fabric of their communities. All students, PreK 4 through 8th Grade, take technology class one period per week.

The PreK 4 and kindergarten students begin to be exposed to basic computer procedures and applications. Students are introduced to elementary computer skills, such as the parts of the computer, using a mouse efficiently, and navigating between programs. Students will use various computer applications to reinforce concepts they are learning cross-curricula while learning to efficiently navigate the usage of a computer and all its parts.

Starting in first grade, students are taught essential keyboarding skills. Lower school technology classes focus on developing muscle memory as students’ progress toward speed and accuracy using a computer keyboard. The students will also review the fundamentals of Microsoft applications such as PowerPoint, Word, Publisher, and Excel.

When students enter lower school, the technology classroom also begins to incorporate STEAM concepts in the curriculum, along with computer applications. Middle school technology classes are almost completely encompassed with STEAM project-based learning. STEAM is an educational approach to learning that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics as entry points for guiding student inquiry, exchange of ideas, and critical thinking skills. The STEAM initiative envisions the next generation of renaissance young adults that employ fresh and innovative thinking to revolutionize how STEM and Art can impact our lives.

STEAM integration is accomplished through Project Based Learning activities for all grade levels. Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage student interest and motivation. These activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom. Project Based Learning is synonymous with learning in depth and developing critical thinking skills. A well-designed project provokes students to encounter the central concepts and principles of a discipline.

Project Based Learning teaches students 21st century skills as well as content. These skills include communication and presentation skills, organization and time management skills, research and inquiry skills, self-assessment and reflection skills, and group participation and leadership skills.

In lower school, some of the STEAM based projects that are accomplished in the technology classroom include the various forms of computer coding(block, HTML, Scratch, Java, Python), building and programming of robotic structures, and 3-D CAD(Computer Aided Design) projects that culminate in 3-D printing. The middle school technology class incorporates advanced concepts in coding, robotics, 3-D design and printing, as well as drone programming and piloting.

The goals and objectives for the classes are developed using the International Society for Technology in Education. These are the nationally recognized standards for evaluating the skills and knowledge students need to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly global and digital world. A copy of these standards can be found at here.


The Library is the center of the school in many ways.  It provides services to teachers, students, and parents.  Services include curriculum support for teachers and students through added books, eBooks, and technology.  Our library website provides access to databases such as World Book, our online catalog and circulation software “Destiny Discover”, and other helpful links.

Students are taught enriched library skills including how to pick that “special” book.  They also learn while having fun by participating in the Accelerated Reader program.

Parents can make use of our parent center which offers books and manuals on topics ranging from how to encourage a reluctant reader to lessons on building comprehension.  Parents are also welcome to check out books with their children.

Students from PreK3 through 6th grade participate in the library program.  Students in pre-school are exposed to different forms of literature along with the purpose of the library and are given a demonstration of how to handle materials.  Each grade has an extra special day that highlights authors and books such as: Pete the Cat, Fancy Nancy and Dr. Seuss. The librarian also collaborates with the classroom teacher to reinforce the letter of the week and the sound of that letter. Book and materials are selected to compliment the activities in the classroom.

Lower school students receive instruction on the different types of literature and where it can be found in the library.  Listening, discussion skills, and collaboration are also emphasized.  The Accelerated Reader program begins in first grade and continues through fifth grade.  This program records student reading progress which enables the teacher to obtain a calculation of each child’s reading comprehension.  Another computer program used to measure a child’s reading abilities is Renaissance’s STAR test.

In preparing for high school, middle school students receive more concentrated lessons on research skills.  Our sixth graders participate in a class called “Research”.  The class collaborates with the Science and Social Studies teachers in preparation for the Science and Social Studies Fair projects. The class includes instruction on: note-taking, avoiding plagiarism, the use of a variety of reference books, computer catalogs, and reliable Internet sites.  

Middle school students may participate in the Library Club.  The club is dedicated to community service and promoting the library.  The club takes field trips to the Lake Charles American Press, Central Public Library, and attends the Louisiana Teenage Librarians Association’s annual convention.  

The library is a warm and friendly place where students are encouraged to visit to read, check out a new book, and conduct research.